Since 1979

We have a large client base covering the fields of engineering, pharmaceuticals, tobacco, farming, cell phones and related Hi-tech companies, travel, transport, insurance, clothing and advertising just to mention a few of our clients. Other clients range from large private companies to smaller private companies, individuals, trusts and close corporations. We are also the auditors of a large Black Empowerment Group.

We have approximately 700 clients

We have a total of 160 audit engagements

150 accounting engagements

250 individual tax clients

50 Trusts

Our Team

Our Staff have been carefully selected, via a system of “intense” interviews and have already served a few years of aerticles. This ensures that every one of our clients are dealing with professionals who have extensive knowledge of how the industry operates and are therefore able to offer accurate, excellent service. We have three qualified Chartered Accountants and three more in the final stages of completing their post articles in our team.

Our network of “Associates” represents some of the top minds in their respective fields and we have complete confidence that our team are more than equipped to handle any financial eventuality. Our staff turnover is low with staff staying an average of 7 years, has impacted our business positively, resulting in a faster more efficient completion of the required tasks with timeous and excellent service that seeks a longevity relationship to help your business grow.


Alan Levitan
B Comm CA (SA), H Dip, BDP
Owner & Engagement Partner

His Knowledge and experience have highly successful auditing practice over the past 30 years. 

Martin Greyling
Practice manager

Martin began his professional career at Price Waterhouse, but gaining a wider scope of experience when he joined Alan Levitan. Martin has extensive experience dealing with various incentive grants as administrated by the DTI and SARS. He has preformed audits and statutory reporting as required over the past 30 years.

Contact us today for a personal consultation

Send us a message using the form below, we will get back to you as soon as possible.

    Office Hours

    Mon – Thur – 7:00 am to 16:30 pm

    Fri – 07:00 am to 16:00 pm

    Sat, Sun, Holidays – Closed

    Our Privacy Policy

    Contact Info

    228 Athol Street, Highlands North, Johannesburg

    011 786 3350/1/2